Archive for March, 2009

Only one week to go until my “two sneakers” appointment.

Having spent five months of the past year on crutches, I’m just a little bit excited to get rid of them. My only roadblock could be a less than favorable X-ray.

I’m optimistically cautious. The twice-cut scar is a little bumpy and kind of hurts… a little… just sometimes. There’s still some swelling… and sometimes it hurts to the touch… just sometimes though… not always… like maybe half of the time. I’m sure it’s normal… I mean think about it… it’s the second time in a year that it’s been cut open. I doubt any of this is a result of being overactive. DON’T EVEN GO THERE!

OK, so I’m not exactly a model patient and probably didn’t do exactly what the doctor told me to. But I tried… I really did.

I tried sitting on the couch for hours with my foot elevated higher than my heart. I tried not to drive. I tried not to shop. I tried not to sweep my father’s basement before he moved. I tried not to take the trash out and walk on the ice to get to the shed. I swear I tried not to rearrange everything that got moved over to my basement and back porch.

I really, really tried not to fix the snow-blower (what a disaster that turned out to be). Then I tried not to bring the laundry up and down the stairs.

So you see? I’ve been trying my best to deal with this “situation.”

If the X-ray happens to come back showing the doc that it’s not quite healed yet, I’m just going to shrug my shoulders and say, “But I tried.”

And then I’ll probably cry.